Happy Belated Birthday wishes for friends and family
Happy belated birthday or belated happy birthday wishes are very common birthday wishes and birthday quotes when you have missed or forget to wish your friends or family. It is really very bad feeling if we miss some one birthday whom we like from our heart. But still there is way of wishing them with belated happy birthday wishes. These happy belated birthday wishes can be send through cards, email, SMS or messenger services like whatsapp. But it is always better to wish in person in such cases of belated birthday wishes.
Hope your birthday was the best ever. I’m very sorry I missed it — it totally slipped my mind. I guess that’s what happens when you’ve had too many birthdays of your own.
Happy Belated Birthday Wishes for friends and family

Also Read: Happy Birthday Image
I didn’t forget about your birthday; I just wanted to help prolong the celebration. The bad news is that I forgot to wish you a happy birthday on time. The good news is I forgot your age. This birthday message is not late. It’s unbelievably early — for your next birthday. Hope your special day was as incredible as you are (yes, I’m buttering you up)!
Sorry that I couldn’t catch up with you on your birthday. Hope that it was great. Knowing how much fun you can be, I assume that the party is still going and that I am not late for your birthday. Keep on having fun. Even though this greeting comes to you a little late, the wish it brings for happiness is good on any day date. Happy late Birthday
Belated Happy Birthday wishes
Also Read: Happy Birthday Wish
Dude, Happy Birthday. What’s up with you celebrating it on time? I was totally unprepared for that. You rock. I only realized your birthday had passed when the male dancers I hired showed up in Depends. Happy day, girlfriend. I can’t tell you all the times I thought about your birthday. That’s because I can’t remember squat. Happy late birthday.
I bought you a card but my mouth was too dry to lick the stamp. So I wetted it. A lot. Did you know no post offices are open at 2 am? Even if I am a bit late is saying so. Hope it was a fun birthday. I didn’t really forget your special day, I just figured you deserved more than one.
Happy Birthday Belated Wishes
Also Read: Happy Birthday Quotes
I intentionally sent my birthday wish this late, just to prove how you are always special to people like me… but not on selected days of the year like some people think. Yes, it’s true that I completely forgot your birthday but I think I should get some points for remembering I forgot it. Hope you had an incredibly wonderful special day!
I spent the whole time thinking about what I should text you for your birthday wish… until I ran out of time. Your face floated before me the other day. I wish you’d said something about your birthday. Hope it was fun. Although I lost my mind for all 24 hours of your birthday and forgot to wish “happy birthday” to you, I hope you’ll accept a “belated happy birthday” now as a down payment for a BIG, BIG, BIG birthday hug.
Happy Belated Birthday wishes images
Also Read: Happy Birthday Message
Hope you had an unbelievable birthday. For me, it’s almost impossible to remember your special day. No matter what age you turn, you don’t look a day over your last birthday. Hope your birthday was the best ever. I’m very sorry I missed it — it totally slipped my mind. I guess that’s what happens when you’ve had too many birthdays of your own.
For Mom Birthday Cards – https://www.birthdaycards-images.com/birthday-cards-for-mom/
These are some belated happy birthday wishes and happy belated birthday wishes and messages. You can send these happy belated birthday wishes and messages to your close ones. Hope they will love it and forget that you were the last to wish them on this day.